
Funding period 06/2010 – 06/2012

German High Tech Champion Award

Press Release: November 16, 2011

RadSpeech Video, 2011

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RadSpeech towards Clinical Data Intelligence, 2016


With RadSpeech, we aim to build the next generation of intelligent, scalable, and user-friendly semantic search interfaces for the medical imaging domain, based on semantic technologies. Ontology-based knowledge representation is used not only for the image contents, but also for the complex natural language understanding and dialogue management process. With the incorporation of higher level knowledge represented in ontologies, different semantic views of the same medical images (such as structural, functional, and disease aspects) can be explicitly stated and integrated.


We strive for more efficiency during the medical finding process and for more structured finding reports including semantic image annotations.

RadSpeech Publication

RadSpeech’s Mobile Dialogue System for Radiologists

RadSpeech Flyer

RadSpeech — A Semantic Speech Dialogue System for Radiologists

RadSpeech Homepage

A semantic speech dialogue system for radiologists

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