
Funding period 01/2012 – 12/2013

ERMed architecture

ERmed Architecture

ERmed CHI 2013


In ERmed, we enter the augmented and mixed reality realm, thereby combining multiple input and output modalities.
Mixed reality refers to the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.
Situation awareness meets mutual knowledge for augmented cognition.


  • World Innovation 1: We synchronize mobile eye trackers with optical see-through head-mounted displays and register the environment.
  • World Innovation 2: We detect and track objects in a terminator view in real-time for augmented cognition.
  • World Innovation 3: We use a binocular eye tracker to register the augmented virtuality with the sight of the user. See our first domain-independent application.

ERmed Publication

ERmed–Towards Medical Multimodal Cyber-Physical Environments

ERmed Brochure

Erweiterte Realität in der Medizin – ERmed

ERmed Homepage

Augmented Reality in Medicine

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